
And We're Off

Supervictory's 2010 Resolutions are off to a solid start. Ran the Atlanta Track Club Resolution Run 10k in a modest 53:14. Great Race. Bright, cold sunny winter day, with about 1,700 in attendance. The best part of the race however, was getting there.

New Year's Day. With about 20 minutes to go until the starting gun goes off, the Supervictory Team Wagon blew a tire on the way up. We pull over on the shoulder of the highway, about 50 yards behind some other poor fools with car trouble of their own. And while we're futzing around with the lugnuts, one of the guys from up the shoulder walks over and volunteers the use of his floorjack. I crap you negative. This guy runs back to his truck, grabs a floorjack, and changes our tire fast enough to make a pit crew blush. Talk about setting the karma tone for the year. We've barely finished our first cup of coffee of the new year, and already we've been done solid kindness by a North Georgia redneck. Awesome.

So off went. We got our numbers and a quick whiz in the woods before lining up to run.
Great race.

Stay tuned for more race reports soon.


2010 Resolutions Announced

Was 2009 as bad as everyone said?
Was the whole decade a wash?
Not here at Supervictory. We've been having a high old time a-runnin' and a-bloggin'.
But it's time to bid 2009 a-fucking-dieu, and the best way to do that is not by looking back, but by announcing how we plan to shake our things in 2010.
So, here's where we netted out.

Resolution #1
: Run Faster. This year SV has vowed to pick up the pace. We'd like to get cozy in the 8:30 or zippier per mile pace.

Resolution #2: A race a month. This shouldn't be a problem at all. Whether it's a turkey trot, a 5k, 10k, funrun, half or whole enchilada-thon, we're gonna get our butts out there with bibs pinned to our shirts at least once a month.

That's it folks.
Sta warm, stay hydrated and Happy New Year!


A Very Good Drug

The other day a car rolled through an intersection, nearly killing me and T-Lo a few minutes into our Saturday run. Birdie fingers blazing, I opened my lungs and let the driver have it.
We kept running.

And then the best thing happened.
All traces of old foot and knee pain, in addition to the usual warm-up creakiness instantly vanished. It took me just a few seconds to realize that it was the surge of adrenaline working its age old evolutionary magic. Brilliant stuff that body of ours. All it takes is a good scare for the brain to whip up a quick and potent batch of protection.

My first thought was, man, I wish I could bottle that and run with zero pain and heightened awareness all the time. And then I realized that would constitute doping, as well as a departure from the purity of running. So my second thought was just to be thankful for one of those little lessons that running is so masterful at dispensing to the those willing to listen.

Thanks running.


Fuck Stress

Every runner knows that running has the magical power to keep us from ripping people's heads off. Now science knows it too. Welcome to the party science.



Finish Face

Before we talk about this killer piece the NY Times just put on their site, let's just take a minute to congratulate Meb Keflezighi on being the first American to win the NYC Marathon since 1982.
Big up Meb!

Ok, cool.
So with that, here's a sweet piece of inspiration for all of us.
Ladies and Gentlemen, singlets and sportsbras, I bring you Finish Face:



Who's That Ugly Bald Chick?

If you look closely at the photo above, you'll see an ugly bald chick at the back of a pack of elite women. That's no chick. It's Chris Wiley, an old friend I recently had the pleasure of running into on a morning run. Chris and I used to sling pizza at Fellini's back in the day, and even played music together a little bit back when he lived in the green house on Kennesaw Street. I remember he had this menacing Chow mix who was always judging me, waiting for me to slip up.

Anyway, Chris is not only one of the nicest guys I know, but it turns out he's also one of the fastest.
He was way more into cycling back then, but over the years he began to see the light and leave the stuffy world of spandex-wrapped gear snobs for the purer, more nobler sport of running. These days Chris runs mostly trail races, and from what I hear on the internet, he evens win some of them.

So I was pretty stoked when I ran into him on the street a few weeks ago. I figured I'd join him for a few miles. Wrong. It took me about half a minute to realize that we were going faster than I'd ever run before, and another half a minute to start completely doubting myself. We could not have made it more than a mile before I had to bail and get back to a more humane pace.

And even though it screwed up the rest of my run (think of it like warming up with an all-out sprint), it was great to see Chris, and also great to get a little taste of what fast really feels like. I'll try to work on my fast, and maybe the next time I see Chris I'll be able to keep up with him for two miles. Until then, Supervictory salutes local ATL badass Chris Wiley.
You go girl!



South African Hardcore

No coach.
No trainer.
Just love.
And a soft 2 mile loop.
That's right, try training to win marathons on a
Supervictory big-ups Hendrick Ramaala.
New York Times reports. Check out the article linked below